the name of underground cinema...
Hello. My name is Jim. My dad is the first person to introduce me to John
Waters cult flicks. He saw every movie of John Waters that played at the
T.L.A. (Thats in Philly where I am from).
My first movie was Serial Mom and I would watch that 2- 4 times a week
for the first couple months until I got to see the rest of his masterpieces.
Together my dad and I have seen every John Waters movie (except Hag in
a Black Leather Jacket, Eat Your Makeup, and Roman Candles). Besides that
we own every other movie including Multiple Maniacs and The Diane Linkletter
Story. We have original Odorama cards from Polyester and autographs form
John and Divine.
I even make my own movies.
In the name of underground cinema,