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The latest fan is
Heather Jones

The whole gang:

Aili Alechnowicz
Alana Miller
Babs Johnson
Billy Franklinstine
Blondie Nation
Brooke Garr
Chie Kato

Chris Hilbert
Chris Wilembrecht
Curt Marcucci
Daniel Diamond
David Robert Crews
David Gouny
David Heulun Jones
David McNeil
David Robert Crews
Davide Scovazzo
Della Deluxe!
Duncan Craig
Erik Weber
Eugene Schroeder
Eve Severe
Gretchen and Kevin
Guy Mazzaglia
Heather Jones
Hex and Dze
Jackie Divine
Jacopo Coccia
Jim Hollenbaugh
Joanna Satana
Jeff Smith
Jerry Kochendoerfer
Jimmy Pio
Josh West
Julie Taylor
Kaleb Bronson
Karie Sprockethole
Kevin Johnson
Lynda L. Hinkle
Marko Sosic
Massimiliano d'Italia

Maxwell Drake

Michael Simmons
Mink Dagger
Mister OohLaLa
Polly [Esther] Styrene
Robert Geise
Shaboobie Boobarella
Simply Divine
Sky Rockford
Tom Korzeniowski
Trevor Robinson
Uvula Dangles
Vanamal Lucifer
Yakov Levi
Yong Kim
Zero Renton Prefect

How do I become
a Dreamland Fan?

Spreading the word in London

I've been a massive John Water's fan since I was 9 or 10 and I've loved his work ever since. The first John Water's film I saw was Serial Mom which I secretly bought with and watched at a friends house. It was love. I had finally seen something that made since. From that point I watched everything he made and ever since he has been my hero. He's always seems so unaplolgetically himself which is something I greatly admire. He made it okay to be a misfit. When I was 16 and out on my own I started hosting John Water's all nighters at my apartment. Starting at 10pm and going well into morning we'd watch everything from Female Trouble to Pecker. Now I find myself introducing his work to people in London that have never heard of him, which I find an absolute travesty.
At a point in cinema history where some of the best and most classic movies are being remade into shit (House of Wax, The Day the Earth Stood Still, ect...), it is so nice to know that there exists a man with some integrity.