dreamland news history filmography in print shop divine


The latest fan is
Heather Jones

The whole gang:

Aili Alechnowicz
Alana Miller
Babs Johnson
Billy Franklinstine
Blondie Nation
Brooke Garr
Chie Kato

Chris Hilbert
Chris Wilembrecht
Curt Marcucci
Daniel Diamond
David Robert Crews
David Gouny
David Heulun Jones
David McNeil
David Robert Crews
Davide Scovazzo
Della Deluxe!
Duncan Craig
Erik Weber
Eugene Schroeder
Eve Severe
Gretchen and Kevin
Guy Mazzaglia
Heather Jones
Hex and Dze
Jackie Divine
Jacopo Coccia
Jim Hollenbaugh
Joanna Satana
Jeff Smith
Jerry Kochendoerfer
Jimmy Pio
Josh West
Julie Taylor
Kaleb Bronson
Karie Sprockethole
Kevin Johnson
Lynda L. Hinkle
Marko Sosic
Massimiliano d'Italia

Maxwell Drake

Michael Simmons
Mink Dagger
Mister OohLaLa
Polly [Esther] Styrene
Robert Geise
Shaboobie Boobarella
Simply Divine
Sky Rockford
Tom Korzeniowski
Trevor Robinson
Uvula Dangles
Vanamal Lucifer
Yakov Levi
Yong Kim
Zero Renton Prefect

How do I become
a Dreamland Fan?

Chakatreatment eats it up!

Ok, seriously , I have been obsessed with John Waters since 1994 when I was a fifteen yr old living in my home town of New Orleans. A friend and I watched Female Trouble in my room , terrified that my mom would walk in and catch sight of the atrocity that was taking place all over that poor old tv screen. Every time we heard a noise we stopped the movie, we were so scared.That first 70's Waters experience really was the starting place of my real life and character.

A little later that same year after having seen everything else Mr. Waters put out, I fell in with a bad crowd, they were gay, older than me and into mainlining liquid eyeliner...It was awesome. We did hallucinogens and went on multi state crime sprees. When we weren't thieving or shit-kicking we were clubbing(baby seals). My strategy for getting into bars was to transform from chunky 16 yr old girl (with the aid of serious makeup, wigs and , cha cha heels{black ones}) into a fabulous fat ass diva drag queen. They all bought it. At the gay bars in New Orleans in the mid nineties, the consensus was that Chakatreatment, aka Miss Mara, aka Baby Divine, was a drag queen, and I loved it! I ate it up, it was such an honor to be addressed as Baby Divine by various actual fierce queens. It was a story plagiarized from a John Waters movie.

I have yet to meet the great man, and I have been at galleries where his (awesome) photography was showing. I was far too star struck (and in girl clothes) , but one day...one day...